Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Baker's Cakes Signature Chocolate Cupcake

So here it is, the best cupcake I've tasted thus far! I'm not just saying that because I made them, it's really true!

Also, I'm not just saying that because I didn't have to fork over three bucks a pop! They're really good! I made them using Baker's Cakes proprietary Signature Chocolate Cake. They're moist, have a nicely balanced chocolate flavor to sweetness ratio, and are neither dense like a hockey puck nor too light and fluffy to bother eating. And the frosting! Oh the frosting is good! It's sweet and chocolatey AND rich and creamy! I topped some of the cupcakes with dark chocolate crunch topping and I left one little guy plain:

And for those of you who are concerned about what on earth I do with all of these little cuppy cakes... I shared them with friends. They have their own "research" to conduct. Although, I am certain that their findings will be identical to mine!


  1. Wow those look yummy. It is just past lunch time and putting something like this for us to look at is just not fair. :)
