Saturday, March 20, 2010

Golden Belt 3rd Friday Event!

We had a great night at Golden Belt last night! It was so great to meet so many wonderful people and artists and be able to share some of our Baker's Cakes with them!!!

The most popular item of the night... Red Velvet Cupcakes!!! A special thanks to Scientific Properties for inviting Baker's Cakes to participate in the Golden Belt 3rd Friday event and to Jeff, Meredith, and Jay for all their help!!!


  1. they all look lovely! beautiful Danielle.
    red velvet is always a hit, i get alot of people who still don't know what it is..but love it when they taste it.
    have a lovely weekend

  2. Thanks Cathie! An adorable little boy said that the red part just tasted like "cake" but the white stuff on top was awesome! I'll take that as a compliment!!!

  3. We loved having you Danielle and hope you can come again soon. I for one cannot wait until my next peanut butter cake pop! To die for...

  4. Thanks Allison! Look for something in the mail from me tomorrow!!! (It's not pb cake pops! sorry!!!)
