Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Joe Paterno Cake!

Joe Paterno Cake!, originally uploaded by bakers-cakes.

A while back I received an order for a Groom's Cake from a very thoughtful bride-to-be. Her fiance (now husband) is a Penn State fanatic and loves Joe Paterno (JoePa), the longtime and beloved coach of the Penn State football team. Here is my favorite part of the email she sent me:

...just want to make sure that you do put glasses on him...apparently he recently had cataract surgery and doesn't need his glasses anymore, but they are his trademark!

While his glasses may be his trademark, I was sure to accentuate his nose and wrinkles, two features that certainly add to his JoePa-ness!

I created the pattern on the tie using edible markers.

I sculpted the cake as well as modeled the fondant to create the facial features. I also went back into some of the lines and wrinkled with a food color wash to emphasize the shadows and highlights. 


  1. Very cool grooms cake - faces are so hard to make. Is this becoming a trend for you? :-)

  2. ah that is great! what a great cake!!

  3. soo cool! you did an awesome work!

  4. Wonderful! Well done! Wishing you happiness, Katherine
