Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dora Fairy Princess Castle Cake!

Princess Castle Cake, originally uploaded by bakers-cakes.

As most of you know, my daughter Ava spends a lot of time with me in the kitchen while I work! This gives her a unique opportunity to take part in a small part of many many celebrations! It also gives her lots and lots of time to think about her own birthday cake! Almost immediately after last year's Hello Kitty Cake she decided she wanted a princess castle cake. We compromised with this two tiered pink cake.

At the 11th hour she decided it must have Dora on top of the cake, wearing a pink dress, and with a pink bow in her hair! Oh, and with fish in the water around the castle. Again, she is nothing if not specific and attentive to detail! Two fantastic qualities in a cake decorator, more difficult in a four year old personality! She was however, very pleased with her cake, until she was flipping through a Cinderella book and she saw the picture of Cinderella's party dress, before the step sisters tore it apart, and informed me that that was how Dora's dress was supposed to look! Maybe I'll get it right next year!

I also made iced sugar cookies to give as party favors:

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet! Ava is so cute! Happy Birthday to her - I wonder what next years cake will be :-)
