Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Disco Ball Cake!

Disco Ball Cake!, originally uploaded by bakers-cakes.

I loved this cake! However, this cake is a little engineering lesson to me all wrapped up in fondant! I baked a ball cake and covered it in hundreds of fondant squares that I individually painted. I made the disco ball stand out of crispy rice cereal treats and covered that in fondant. I baked the Saturday Night Fever-esque dance floor base and covered it in fondant squares.

And here is where things began to go dramatically wrong. I placed the disco ball on the rice cereal base assuming the squashed together crispy treats would be a nice strong base for the ball. The base was on cardboard and there were dowels in the dance floor, but not in the disco ball base. Off went my groovy disco ball cake. I later received a text that the disco ball base was smooshing! Boo. (The cake was salvaged at the party by popping it into the fridge and propping up the ball.) One cardboard under the ball and one dowel through the crispy treats could have prevented that! The lesson here is that crispy rice cereal is not as structurally sound as I thought! Lesson learned! Sometimes I just need to run my artistic vision by a structural engineer!


  1. You did a fantastic job! How long did it take you to add all those little pieces to the disco ball?

  2. Thanks!!! It was such a beautiful cake, save for the structural weaknesses! It took hours to piece together the little tiles and then the big floor too! Sadly, I love little tasks like that!

  3. Awesome cake! I'm actually making a disco ball for an upcoming dessert table.
