Thursday, March 10, 2011

6" Pint of Guinness Cake!

6" Pint of Guinness Cake!, originally uploaded by bakers-cakes.

It's a little early for St. Patrick's Day, but many would argue that any time is a good time for a pint of Guinness! This was a Baker's Cakes Signature Chocolate Cake with Coffee Buttercream Frosting, covered in rolled Chocolate Fondant! Yum!!! Shortly after the customer picked up the cake she texted me this fabulous cake narrative:

The Presentation:

The Slice:

The Swig:

The Demise:

And that is why I love doing this and have the BEST customers EVER!!!

1 comment:

  1. How did I miss this cake? Nice work - love the deconstruction and devouring pic by pic.
