Monday, April 25, 2011

Mountain Sunset Cake

Mountain Sunset Cake, originally uploaded by bakers-cakes.

This cake was a surprise for my client's wife. He asked if I could create a custom birthday cake from her tattoo, a setting/rising sun behind two mountains. A cake based on a tattoo? Why, yes. That is right up my alley! He emailed me some reference material, but I really wanted to see an image of the tattoo. After I finally convinced him to send me a picture, we nailed down the design.

I began fondly calling this the Bob Ross Cake! When my clients wife finally saw the cake she was thrilled! She said when she saw it she wondered if the Ace of Cakes had made her cake? They also reported that it was the best cake they had ever had. I think that hearing that makes me the most happy! It's so nice to hear that not only is the artistry of the cake appreciated, but it tastes awesome too!

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your idea about designing a nature looked of the look so delicious
